5:02 AM

iPhone 3.0

After the roaring success of iPhone 2.0 last year, Apple is back in action to widen its presence in the smartphone market. 

In a hotly-awaited event last night, Apple Inc unveiled the new operating system software, called iPhone OS 3.0. Other than adding new features, Apple has also made up for some of the big misses in the existing model. 

So, here's over to the pluses and minuses of Apple iPhone 3.0 software.

iPhone users get the new software for free, while iPod Touch users will have to pay $9.95. The operating system runs on the latest version of the iPhone, released last year, as well as the original model. 

Apple currently has 25,000 applications in its online iPhone App Store. More than 800 million programmes have been downloaded since July, the company said. 

The company has distributed 800,000 iPhone software kits to developers, who write programmes for delivery though the App Store

Yes, cut-copy-paste is there now! The new software adds this one of the most sorely missed feature in the existing iPhone 2.0. 

Apple said the third generation of iPhone software will let users copy information from notes and Web pages, and let people move text between different applications. Users who erroneously paste text can shake the iPhone to get an option to cut it.


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